Action Creates Change LLC

Fred Palmer
Owner of Action Creates Change LLC
Career and Recovery Coach
Certified Addiction Specialist, CO
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor II, MA
Recovery Coach Professional *in progress
Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR)
Master of Public Health
Colorado School of Public Health
Bachelor of Social Work
Colorado State University
About Me, My Career Journey and My "Why" for this work
I started Action Creates Change LLC in 2024 with the goal of helping young adults in early recovery from substance use disorders and life disrupting mental health conditions find purpose and direction. Life gets interrupted and the plans we had for ourselves can feel irreparably derailed. I know I felt that way when I entered my second inpatient treatment center in January of 2011 at the age of 20. I had dropped out of college twice and had no idea what to do next. I had chosen the treatment center, Mountainside in Canaan, CT, for its focus on adventure based counseling, mindfulness programming, and long work stay based aftercare program called Phase Four.
It was in this aftercare program that I had the opportunity to intern with the adventure based counseling program and felt a spark ignite with direction and purpose. I had been literally saved by this program and the recovery community. I wanted to give back and stay close to the people who understood through their own lived experience what it was like to struggle with mental health and substance use disorders, and come out on the other side better as a result of the hard work involved in recovery.
After almost two years in recovery, I moved to Colorado (I love mountains) in the fall of 2013 from Boston and have been here ever since. I did the ski bum lifestyle for four years while working at a substance use detox facility, becoming a Certified Addiction Counselor, taking classes at the local community college and getting 80+ days on the slopes. After getting my associate's degree, I transferred to Colorado State University for my Bachelor of Social Work and then on for my Master of Public Health degree with a concentration in global health and health disparities from the Colorado School of Public Health.
My first role in employment services was in 2020 as the manager of a education/work based reentry program for people recently released from incarceration and/or currently experiencing homelessness. For program participants, obtaining stable employment and job skills were key factors to prevent relapse, recidivism and to be successful in this next chapter of their lives.
I now enjoy spending my work time in my current roles at Colorado State University's Career Center as a career educator and with Action Creates Change LLC where I oversee business operations and provide one on one career coaching with young adults in early recovery.
Stable employment, and educational attainment are two of the highest predictors of success in recovery (SAMHSA, 2021). In my own journey, it was essential and I see it continue to be the case for the young people I work with. I enjoy this work immensely and look forward to working with you.
My services are provided virtually and nationwide. For clients in Fort Collins, CO I do offer in-person coaching services and am also a registered vendor with the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehab.
Virtual 1:1 Sessions Include a Range of Topics, Tailored to You
Executive and Leadership Coaching
Career Exploration
Resume & Cover Letter Development
Interview Preparation
Job Search Strategies
LinkedIn Profile Optimization
Networking Support
Salary Negotiation
Succeeding at University in Recovery
Workplace Success Skills
Returning to the Workforce
College/Grad School Admissions
Overcoming Stigma
Workplace Boundaries & Work Life Balance
Rebuilding Professional Reputation
Mindset Shifts for Career Success
Below is an example of a Trello Board that we use with clients
This tool was created in collaboration with former clients, ensuring it is a proven way to support your goals. It includes free career assessments, job search and application resources, goal setting tips and more. We've even created our own custom GPT chatbot trained to provide career and recovery coaching outside of our 1:1 meetings. It works with a free ChatGPT account.
Want a Trello board of your own?

Action Creates Clarity
Ideal for those seeking foundational career coaching to gain clarity and direction without the need for intensive, ongoing support.
Valid for 3 months
Six weeks of career coaching
Weekly 45-minute sessions
Career assessment and exploration
Custom Trello board
Text/email support
Resume/cover letter/LinkedIn review included

Action Creates Momentum
Ideal for those ready to engage in a more detailed career development process, with more frequent coaching sessions and extended support. Requires strong commitment from participants.
Valid for 3 months
Three months of career and recovery coaching
Twelve sessions over three months
90 minute intitial assessment session
Weekly 60 minute sessions after initial meeting
Comprehensive career assessment
Priority text/email support
30-minute emergency call per month if urgent issues arise
Custom Trello board to track progress and collaborate

Action Creates Mastery
This package is designed for high-touch, integrative work with clients. We collaborate closely with interventionists, concierge treatment teams and the client's family as needed.
Valid for 6 months
Six months of intensive career and recovery coaching
Two 60 minute sessions per week over six months
Two 90 minute initial assessment sessions
Written assessment report shared with treatment team
Unlimited email and text support
Bi-monthly meetings with the concierge treatment team
6 emergency 30-minute calls as needed